Authentic American style beef hamburger

Big C > Easy Cooking > Authentic American style beef hamburger

Mr. Househusband’s Simple Kitchen Tips Series : Authentic American style beef hamburger

Make an authentic American style beef hamburger Until now, we will not be able to travel abroad. But we can also make delicious food Of that country instead.For anyone who has been to America, you will know that there are many hamburger shops. And each store has a difference for us to try. Today I want to try the real American style beef hamburger. See once Let’s prepare the ingredients.


  1. 200 g. Coarse minced meat with 20% fat
  2. 1 slice of burger bun
  3. 1 slice of cheese
  4. 2 slices bacon
  5. Salt, unsalted butter, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, chili sauce, rosemary
  6. Iceberg lettuce, onion, tomato, cucumber


  1. Mix the minced meat, it is prepared. Season with salt, pepper and rosemary. Then make the meat into circles about 1 inch thick, put in the refrigerator, let it rest for 15 minutes.
  2. When finished preparing the meat Then fry the bacon. And cut the vegetables prepared
  3. Cut half of the prepared burger buns. Then roasted on low heat and spread the butter until fragrant.
  4. Make the sauce on the burger By mixing mayonnaise, mustard, chili sauce.
  5. After 15 minutes, bring the rested meat to roast on the pan with butter to increase the aroma. Grill alternately, about 3-5 minutes each side.
  6. Then place the cheese on top of the meat and place it in the oven for 20 seconds.
  7. Can arrange the burgers May be in order from Bread on the bottom, beef with onion sauce, bacon, as desired vegetables and bread on top

That’s it, we will have a real American style beef hamburger. How to do it is not complicated. We just prepare the meat to be delicious. Because beef is our hero today All ingredients can be purchased at all Big C branches, or you can order them online Click .

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