5 vitamins that help build immunity and reduce the risk of COVID-19

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : 5 vitamins that help build immunity and reduce the risk of COVID-19

When it was announced by the doctor that certain vitamins could be supplemented to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of COVID-19 to strengthen the body. We hurry to tell our friends. To hurry to buy vitamins and eat them first Because if we have a healthy body and take good care of yourself And refrain from going in vulnerable areas as we will be safe But the card is absolutely prohibited.

Vitamin C promotes the work of white blood cells and helps the process of destroying pathogens. According to the daily requirement of the reference nutrient intake requirement for Thai people 2020, children aged 1-8 years should receive 25-40 mg per day. Children and adolescents aged 9-18 years should receive 60-100 mg per day. And adults aged 19 years and over should get 85-100 mg per day.

Vitamin A promotes the function of the immune system. The good food sources that the body can absorb and use are high in animal organs, egg yolks, milk, dairy products. And the secondary food source is from plants, including dark green leafy vegetables Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits such as gourd, morning glory, carrot, pumpkin, yellow sweet potato, ripe papaya.

Zinc is involved in the growth and division of cells involved in the immune system. As well as regulating the activity of enzymes which are the main mechanisms in the body’s immune system function. The good food sources when considering their quantity and absorption for their uses are meat and offal, oysters, poultry and fish. And the second is eggs, milk

Proteins help build immune cells and immunoglobulins where good quality proteins contain all the essential amino acids. It can be obtained from meat, eggs, milk (depleted or skimmed), cheese (choose the low-fat type), tofu, soybeans, for plant-based proteins such as nuts, seeds, and other plant-based sources for filling. Full of essential amino acids that protein from that plant is not complete, such as nuts (green beans, red beans, black beans) paired with nuts or seeds.

Microbial health (Probiotics) and food for microbial health. (Prebiotics) helps to promote the immune system in the body. Good food sources with healthy microorganisms include yogurt and fermented milk, which are listed as added probiotics. But you should choose a low sugar. For food for healthy microorganisms Most of them are in high-fiber food sources, such as whole grains, oats, legumes, bananas, onions, garlic and asparagus.

If in your daily life you are not getting enough nutrients, you can buy vitamins to supplement. To build immunity for myself

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