Beginners to make egg tarts

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Sweet Girl : Beginners to make egg tarts

Many people might think that egg tarts are difficult to make. But let me tell you that the tart recipe is easy The process is not complicated. Plus not many ingredients that need to be prepared. Something fun this weekend to do. Don’t wait, hurry and jump into Big C to buy ingredients and wait Then let’s make the most awesome egg tart.


  1. 4 egg yolks
  2. 80 g sugar
  3. 100 ml fresh milk
  4. 250 ml Evaporated milk
  5. 300 g Whipping cream
  6. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  7. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  8. Instant Pie Crust


  1. Bring the tart flour and let it cool down.
  2. Mix 2 eggs, 2 yolks, sugar, salt, vanilla flavor, beat until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Combine 2 kinds of milk, put the butter on low heat until the butter is melted well.
  4. Bring the egg mixture And the milk comes together By pouring milk into the egg bowl little by little, be careful with the cooked eggs.
  5. Pour the mixture into the tart flour, leaving about 2 centimeters on the edge
  6. Put into the fryer without oil, set it on a 170 degree heat for 20 minutes, then after the time has passed, continue baking for another 5 minutes, you can eat crispy and greasy egg tarts.

The new egg tart recipe is not as difficult as you think, right? Just prepare the ingredients ready and go ahead. Oh, but don’t forget our hero, the fryer without it. Even if we don’t have an expensive baking oven But just having one fat fryer can do a variety of desserts and savory dishes. And most importantly, the fat fryer is also cheap and comfortable. href = “”> Click

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