Fight the Summer Heat with Mango Smoothie Yogurt Ice Cream

Big C > Easy Cooking > Fight the Summer Heat with Mango Smoothie Yogurt Ice Cream

Sweet Girl: Fight the Summer Heat with Mango Smoothie Yogurt Ice Cream

I feel like Thailand has two seasons: summer and extreme summer. It so happens that this is an extreme summer kind of month, so I have to look for ways to cool down. Frozen desserts are the answer. Today I present Mango Smoothie Yogurt Ice Cream, the perfect dish for summer that also keeps for a long time. You could even turn this into a business idea.


  1. Plain yogurt
  2. Ripe mango
  3. Milk
  4. Syrup
  5. 7. Ice
  6. Ice cream molds


  1. Slice mango into cubes. Set aside some of the mango cubes for later. Put the rest in a blender together with most of the yogurt, and blend until smooth.
  2. If you have more molds, you can double the ingredients to fit the number of molds you want.
  3. Blend the smoothie until thick and smooth.
  4. In ice cream molds, put the left over yogurt at the bottom. Then pour the mango smoothie on top until almost full. Lastly, put the mango cubes on top.
  5. Leave in the freezer for 4-5 hours until frozen.

How was it? Easy, wouldn’t you say? If mango isn’t your cup of tea, switch it for any other kind of fruit you prefer and you’re good to go. Get all the ingredients at Big C or shop online, click here.

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