Share your tips to wash your fridge ready for the vegetarian season.

Big C > Home Guru > Share your tips to wash your fridge ready for the vegetarian season.

Mrs. Fastidious: Share your tips to wash your fridge ready for the vegetarian season.

This is also the vegetarian festival. Speaking of vegetarianism, it should be done and various prohibitions that must be done And one of them is house cleaning. According to beliefs doing so that various evil things Ran out of the house And receive good fortune during this period into the house This will make your home peaceful and peaceful with house cleaning principles. To strengthen the prosperity as follows

Allocate and keep clean areas of the house to be open, airy and clean, especially the front of the house is the most important part of the house. And is considered the most important point To bring fortune into the house Therefore, it is very important that you clean this area carefully. In order to have good fortune throughout the vegetarian festival, cleaning or organizing the refrigerator is another thing that should be done with the following cleaning tips.

Pull out the refrigerator power plug

Before a full cleaning of the refrigerator After clearing out all the food in the refrigerator For safety, it is recommended to unplug the refrigerator first. To prevent electric shock Ready to thaw the ice in the refrigerator freezer faster than before After pressing the defrost button

Sort food

All food should be removed from the refrigerator before cleaning. And more importantly, sorting out which foods are nearing the end or expired, they should be discarded Anything that does not need to be in the refrigerator should be separated.

Remove the shelf

For ease of cleaning The shelves in the refrigerator should be washed outside. You can use dish detergent or rinse with water. When finished washing, crack it dry and use a dry cloth to wipe it again.

Clean the refrigerator with a sponge

Next, clean the inside of the refrigerator with a sponge dampened in clean water or use dish soap on a very dirty area. For firm yellow stains, use vinegar to wipe and clean.

Coffee beans

If the refrigerator often smells musty, put coffee beans in the refrigerator to reduce the smell. And your refrigerator will return to smell good

In this period, for any home that eats the whole house, it is fortunate that the refrigerator can be easily allocated But if a house where some people do not eat vegetarian, they need to clearly divide the floor and place the food. Do not forget to accidentally eat food that is not vegetarian.

For those who eat vegetarian, Big C has organized a vegetarian food zone. And you can walk to buy dry food according to the sign J at every Big C branch or you can order online Click

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