5 Perfect Ways to Reduce Hair Loss Symptoms

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How to Perfect Choosey Girl’s Style : 5 Perfect Ways to Reduce Hair Loss Symptoms

Women, whether they have long hair or short hair, are often faced with the problem of hair loss and hair loss on a regular basis. But today we will find a good way That will help reduce the symptoms of hair loss and loss. Help your hair come back to thick, soft and lively again. Let’s see what methods are there.

Wash your hair properly

First of all, it starts with a simple solution. Is to wash your hair properly, that is, should not wash more than 1 time per day. Before shampooing, rinse your hair with water that is not hot or warm for about 2 seconds and then shampoo. While shampooing, do not rub your hair or scratch your scalp hard, as this can lead to an infection of the scalp. Switch to a scalp massage instead. Using your fingertips, gently massage in circular motions, which in addition to helping nourish the hair and scalp. Also helps to make the circulatory system better And reduce hair loss problems caused by heat and violence quite well

Fortified with vitamins

Eating supplements and hair vitamins Let’s start with Vitamin H or Biotin: Biotin, which plays a role in promoting healthy hair and nails. Which can be eaten in both tablet form Or foods that contain ingredients such as egg yolk, soybean, nut milk, liver, wholegrain, about 100 milligrams per day. Next to the zinc: Zync or zinc, which should be taken 12-15 milligrams per day will help build protein in the hair, making it strong, not easily brittle. Another effective way to cure hair loss from vitamins is B complex vitamins. To assist in the absorption of iron Helps in hair growth and prevents gray hair 50-100 mg a day and finally, vitamins C and E. To help in reducing the brittleness of the hair. And nourish the damaged hair roots

No certain foods

Eating is one of the important reasons that can affect the hair loss. By foods that we should avoid Should not eat too much, including Foods high in fat Because of greasy food That we eat will be more likely to create more fat. Resulting in oily scalp And make fine hair Easier to fall Later they are flavored MSG because in flavoring powder or MSG contains Monosodium Glutamate, which hinders the absorption of Vitamin B6 (Vitamin B 6), a vitamin that stimulates hair growth.

Hair treatment with natural ingredients

Hair treatment can also help make your hair thicker and more shiny! By marinating the hair, it should focus on a natural formula. By fermenting the hair with bergamot, it is called a traditional ancient recipe ever. It is a hair treatment formula that helps to get rid of dandruff, reduce oily hair, keep hair soft and beautiful And can reduce hair loss Suggest to bring 4-5 kaffir lime fruit to boil enough to make the kaffir lime soft. And bring it to squeeze only the water Then take the lime juice to marinate the hair for 2-5 minutes and then rinse. Do it 2 times a week to get softer and more beautiful hair.

Choosing shampoo

Shampoo is something that must be considered before buying it every time. It has the ability to cleanse hair and restore the scalp. Helps to get rid of dandruff, reduce itching and flaking. It should contain omega, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin B as well as helping hair to be soft, smooth, easy to style, nourishing hair, long-lasting and tangle-free. Or to go back to the natural hair loss treatment by choosing a shampoo that comes from cold extracts from bergamot. Aloe vera Including pea It is another option for treating hair loss.

Finally, we should avoid things that will cause hair to fall out easily, such as being exposed to heat from a hair dryer. Frequent hair coloring It will cause the hair to become dry, damaged, frizzy and split ends as well as making the hair roots weak. For anyone who wants to take care of your hair more, you can go buy various hair care products at all Big C branches, or you can order online . Click .

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