7 cool secrets from soft drinks that help keep housewives’ energy strained and clean

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Mrs. Fastidious: 7 cool secrets from soft drinks that help keep housewives’ energy strained and clean

Soft drinks, although it is delicious And how much refreshing it is But it’s really undeniable. Drinking too much carbonated water can have quite a few effects on the body. Which the soft drinks themselves are not just punishable But the properties that were used in cleaning; I must say that it is complete and very effective. So today let’s see how well the soft drink can become a secret to helping the housewife to be clean?

1.Rust stain removal In soft drinks, there is a type of acid called phosphoric acid that helps loosen the rust stains. We just soak the rusted items in carbonated water for about 45 – 60 minutes, then we can easily wash off the rust stains.

2. Glass Cleaner One of the ingredients in glass cleaner is citric acid, and this acid is also found in soft drinks. Therefore, we can use soft drinks to wipe the glass itself.

3. Clean the paint stains that stained furniture. Many times, the stains that we use to decorate the house come back to cause distractions. Because it gets messed up on the furniture inside the house The solution is not difficult at all. Just use a cloth dampened with soda to gently rub the stained area. Until the stains come off After that, wipe with a cloth dampened in a mild soapy solution again. Prevents sticky residue on furniture.

4. Get rid of blood stains Accidents are unexpected. Sometimes it’s the stage of bleeding. The housewives probably knew how difficult the blood stains on their clothes were. Let me tell you that this soft drink will be a great help. Just drop or smear sparkling water onto the stained place and rub lightly, and the stain will be gone.

5.Clean the toilet For cleaning the bathroom as usual, we often use a toilet cleaner. But the strength of it may bite the hand. Or some people who are allergic to it may be burning itch. Do you know that soft drinks can actually help as well? Just pour or pour sparkling water over it. Then leave it for about 60 minutes, then it can be easily scrubbed with a brush.

6. Get rid of black stains on pots or pans. Burning stains on the pan or pot. It is often something that takes a lot of energy from the housekeeper. But the soft drinks will come in to help reduce the energy and reduce the time. Just soaking the pan or pot in sparkling water for about 5 – 10 minutes, it will be much easier to scrub off the stain.

7.Clean the coin Old coins, all black coins, must be defeated with soft drinks. The maid just put the coin in the soft drink for about 3 hours or more. Black stains on the island, it will gradually come off anyway.

How are you doing? With the benefits of soft drinks that we may see as the worst. But there are still many hidden benefits. If you are a housewife who would like to know more secrets like this, click on the website www.BigC.co.th We still have some great tips to look forward to!

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