How to take care of the trendy tree monstera?

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : How to take care of the trendy tree monstera?

The flow of planting trees in the house Or in rooms with limited space Becoming the hottest trend in 2020, many people are looking for plants to help fill the room with green. One of the most popular trees was the beautiful leafy monstera with the ability to purify the air, trapping dust, and this time the dust problem started to come back again. Having a monster in the room can add a little more fresh air. But caring for this beautiful foliage isn’t that difficult. But it’s not as easy as you think.

Monstera is a leafy plant that grows well in the tropics. Which the terrain of our country is just right This guy doesn’t like the sun that is too strong. But he needs a little bit of sunlight So that it can photosynthesize And grow Therefore, if it is planted outside the house, it should be in a sunny corner. Or if planted in a room, it should be a room with good ventilation. Including there is sunlight to shine through

A matter of watering Monstera Not like that much water We may water it 2 to 3 days / time or if you notice that On the soil is dry. But in the soil is still moist We water it so that the water hits the leaf area is sufficient. Including in a pot that is planted, it should be mixed with coconut cloves with soil. To help in the absorption of moisture. And should be planted in a pot with easy drainage Prevent root rot As a result, the leaves turn yellow. Or the leaves burn in the end

Another thing that people grow monsters should not miss is. Regularly wipe its leaves regularly. Because monstera is a leafy plant that uses its own leaves to show beauty. Therefore, we should use a damp cloth. Or popular is olive oil To wipe the leaves to get rid of dust stains on the leaves And also makes the leaves always look shiny At this point, the monster is ready to stay together, becoming the greenery in my room for a long time.

This is just a good story. If anyone wants to share good stories to express love and take care on the website There are still many great articles, click to read and share the love together.

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