Including fun games that will not stop at the party

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Miss C Recommendation : Including fun games that will not stop at the party

Enter the new year’s eve, welcome the new year Many houses probably have a party and a dinner. Today we would like to introduce games – activities that contribute to making the party even more fun. And to strengthen relationships with the family

Guess the hint

Popular games, the method is simple. Just write a hint on a paper card. It is divided into categories such as movies, fruits, stars, animals, then divide people into 2 teams to compete for points Have a competitor take a card. Without letting the team members know Then make a gesture to hint the puzzle. Without saying a single word Which team gets the most correct answers? That team wins.

Master Chef Cooking Contest

An activity that seems easy, but not easy for people who are not good at cooking. The way to compete is simple: divide into 2 teams, let each team select 5 key ingredients for the opposing team Each team then has 30 minutes to create a delicious menu based on ingredients chosen by the opposing team. The way to decide, lose and win, is to set up 3 referees to taste without knowing which team this dish belongs to. The losing team had to wash the dishes and clean up the house after the party.

Bottle spinning game

Games that are easiest to find on the device With just a bottle and sitting in circles The rule is that if the bottle is turned and the mouth of the bottle is directed at who That person can instruct the circle of people to do anything, such as the order to eat all the snacks, the order to perform strange dance moves, the order to eat the giant bottle of water, etc. In addition, the bottle spinning game can also be turned into an open question game. If you turn the bottle and the mouth of the bottle is facing with whom? That person will have to answer questions from the crowd. If you do not want to answer questions, you will have to be punished by the crowd.

Game Board

Activities that do together in many homes You need to prepare some equipment. Whether it is bingo, rich game, board game, snake, checkers, checkers

In addition to strengthening relationships, many games also help to train your brain. These days, gaming boards are not difficult to find and are relatively inexpensive. Buy and keep it for many other occasions. You can come and buy them at the toy department at every branch of Big C.

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