Tips for making moving house easy and hassle-free.

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Mrs. Fastidious: Tips for making moving house easy and hassle-free.

Anyone who is having a headache about moving to the base Moving into a new home Because we have to prepare a lot Where to prepare to decorate the house Choose to buy home use. And a big cleaning To be a new home But we have to clean up anyway Housewives like us have great tips to leave friends who are moving to a new house. Make cleaning easier.

Pack things into bags or baskets.

Take away the luggage that is stored Including every basket Whether it is a clothes basket Or even a basin And the tank was exhausted All of these items will make it easier for you to collect all the trinkets you have in your home and gradually take them to your new home, one at a time.

Tissue core

Long wires or cables Stored in the box, all tangled up. But this time, those problems will be gone. We just use a tissue core to make a loop for the wires. Or a long line By bringing a long string to keep it neat And bring it through the tissue core

Shock-resistant table cloth

Wrap all the table cloths in your house and wrap all the items that are vulnerable, such as mugs and crockery. Wrap them up better with a microfiber cloth than newsprint.

After we finished packing, then it was a new house cleaning job. Let’s go!

1. Start cleaning from top to bottom. Starting from dusting the ceiling Before cleaning the floor In order to prevent dust and dirt from falling onto the floor. And make you do not have to come and clean twice

2. Clean up areas where you are not sure you will come back and clean them again. Every time you move home Focus on areas that you aren’t likely to be cleaning anytime soon. In addition to remembering to make the house clean It also makes you more at ease. These areas may include

  • wall
  • Behind the appliances
  • Inside the cabinet
  • In the nooks and corners of the house
  • Vents and ceiling fans
  • Heater
  • Garbage disposal area
  • Basement and attic

3. Clean up areas in your home that you most likely use it. It’s not easy for a beginner to clean up the stains. The dirt created by the original owner left But it is necessary to do it. It focuses mainly on the household devices that are most exposed to it, for example.

  • Electrical appliances (stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave Washing machine)
  • Toilets, showers and sinks
  • Door knob
  • Power switch and other buttons

After cleaning and packing is complete Recommend to order food to eat, it is better to do it yourself. Because we have lost a lot of energy Relaxing with big meals from online ordering is better.

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