Tips presents the Spiciest Korean Instant Noodle Recipe

Big C > Easy Cooking > Tips presents the Spiciest Korean Instant Noodle Recipe

Mr. House Husband’s Simple Kitchen Tips presents the Spiciest Korean Instant Noodle Recipe

Today, I’d like to introduce a recipe for Samyang extra spicy ramen which the manufacturer claims is the world’s spiciest instant noodle, so if you cannot eat spicy food, I recommend you skip this recipe.


  1. 1 pack of Samyang Extra Spicy Roasted Chicken Ramen
  2. Egg
  3. Bacon
  4. Pork neck
  5. Sausage
  6. Shallots (or you can use spring onions instead)
  7. Chopped chilies or chili paste


  1. Boil water in a pot. Turn the heat off after it has come to the boil. Wrap the egg in tissue and put it in the hot water for 13 minutes with the lid on. The egg will become soft-boiled.
  2. Boil the instant noodles. Take them off the heat when the noodles are as soft as you desire.
  3. Boil the sausage, bacon and pork neck.
  4. Mix the instant noodle powder with the noodles and add a little hot water. You can increase the spiciness of the dish by adding chopped chilies or chili paste. Place the meat ingredients, egg and chopped onion on top of the noodles. Now it is ready to serve.

If you are looking for ingredients for this extra spicy Korean ramen, you can visit the Big C Super Center branch located near your home or order it online at

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