3 recipes with Doi Kham tomato juice

Big C > Easy Cooking > 3 recipes with Doi Kham tomato juice

Sweet Girl : 3 recipes with Doi Kham tomato juice

Today, pamper the healthy with 3 delicious recipes that are made with Doikham tomato juice as an ingredient. For anyone who is unable to drink tomato juice, these recipes can be added to make drinking easier. Plus also get the most vitamins from fruit juices. Let’s go and see what ingredients these 3 recipes must contain.

Solution 1

  1. Doi Kham tomato juice
  2. Sour milk

This recipe is for people who can’t drink tomatoes at all. Because the taste of the curd will completely cover the smell of tomato juice And because the milk contains microorganisms, it helps in excretion very well. It is also delicious like eating regular curd.

Solution 2

  1. Doi Kham tomato juice
  2. Tangerine orange juice

This recipe is for people who like to drink a little sour water. Will especially like And orange juice can also help dilute the flavor of tomato juice. This recipe will have a mellow taste that is pleasing to many people, and it is also high in vitamin C.


  1. Doi Kham tomato juice
  2. Plain yogurt
  3. Conflakes
  4. M&M Chocolate Flavor

This recipe for sweet dish can be made into a delicious smoothie, forgetting the taste of tomato juice.

How to make it: Blend the tomato juice with yogurt. Then pour the blended tomato juice of the glass and add the yogurt followed by the tomato blender. Repeat this until the glass is almost full, then finish off with a chocolate Conflect and M&M.

Here are all 3 recipes that are made for healthy food lovers who may be a little difficult to drink tomato juice. We provide the perfect combination of ingredients that can be enjoyed together with tomato juice and are also delicious and useful. For the ingredients, you can buy them at all Big C branches or you can order them online. bigc.co.th / “> Click

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