5 advantages of boxing

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : 5 advantages of boxing

Boxing is more useful than you might think. The practice of boxing is not just for fighting or defensive skills. As many people may have known, boxing can help you lose weight. It is another option for people who are looking to lose weight, boxing can help you exert more power than normal gym workouts. Let’s take a look at what other benefits does boxing offer?

Improve concentration and reduce stress

Boxing sparring workouts are alternating high and low intensity exercises. High intensity periods are when you are armed, punched, or kicked, which is the same as we release emotional energy. The low intensity range is our footwork range. Inadvertently, she was ready to launch a weapon. Which during this period we need to concentrate So no matter what time of boxing it is, it will be a time of high concentration. So you don’t have time to get distracted by other thoughts.

The body reacts quickly

Boxing sparring is a great way to train our body to connect between the eyes, the brain and the muscles involved in the movement. Which has a positive effect on our daily life as well Because someone who is sensitive or reacts well means being active, that is because boxing sparring is necessary to strengthen the muscles in all areas of the body, whether limbs, muscles. Belly, etc. During boxing training, you need to concentrate, your eyes must be quick, you need to be able to arm yourself quickly. Fast moving Able to dodge the opponent’s attacks well.

Fast energy burn

Punching in 1 lift means taking the body to the highest level. And resting between lifting is to make the body recover from fatigue faster. It is both a form of exercise that combines energy metabolism, use of oxygen and anaerobic exercise. This type of exercise will help you build strength, speed, and energy. And stimulate the metabolism in the body When compared to running or cycling, it burns more energy. But it takes less time

Heart is stronger

Boxing is a sport that can stimulate the work of the heart and blood vessels as well. Because in order to do so, we have to exercise the heart and lungs with moderate stress. This makes your heart and lungs work better, resulting in efficient blood circulation throughout the body.

Good body balance

Regular boxing will help to balance your body well. Causing no diseases of any kind to visit and also build muscles in each part of the arms, legs, or maybe even the abdomen Therefore, Add can assure you that fighting boxing will have a positive effect on both physical and mental health.

Of course, boxing can actually reduce weight. Help you get in good shape Flat stomach Increase muscle And can reduce all proportions as well Because boxing is a constant movement of all parts of the body. Thus making boxing that can reduce body fat as well

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