5 secrets for keeping rice soft

Big C > Easy Cooking > 5 secrets for keeping rice soft

Just about cooking rice, anyone can cook, but if you want to be soft, fragrant, delicious, use 5 tips to guarantee that anyone who eats will be addicted to having to add rice again Let’s have a look at what steps are there to make the rice plump and soft. Fragrant, good to eat

Tips for making rice fragrant, delicious, delicious

  1. To eat, will cook rice by rinsing the rice in clean water at least 3 times.
  2. When finished, soak it in cold water for 1 hour, this will make the rice grains absorb the water well. When cooking rice comes out the rice grains to get the picture.
  3. Shift the water ratio using 1 part of rice per 1.2 parts of water or by measuring with your index finger. With the water in the first 1 point of the index finger So that the cooked rice is not wet
  4. Add the aroma to the rice with salt. Just add a little salt to the washed rice and cook the rice as usual. The rice will be soft and sweet to eat.
  5. Squeeze 1-2 teaspoons of lemon into it and rinse the rice. When cooking rice, there is no lemon smell. But will help bring out the smell of rice to be more fragrant Plus help make white rice soft and pleasant to eat

Here are 5 simple tips. In cooking rice to be soft, fragrant, delicious, more appetizing Because Thai people cannot lack hot steamed rice and most importantly, where the house is running out of Khao San, you can stop by at any branch of Big C or you can order online Click

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