7 benefits from Roselle juice

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : 7 benefits from Roselle juice

The benefits of okra juice Thai herbal drink This is the most useful, easy to find, refreshing, and comprehensive health issue. It is a unique water that is red in color and has a nice scent. Sweet and sour taste Good for quenching thirst If you drink regularly, you will definitely get the full benefits.

Reduce the pressure

Roselle has properties Reduce blood fat It also has properties to help reduce high pressure as well as reduce the thickness of the blood Improving blood circulation throughout the body Which also helps to heal varicose veins to be alleviated as well If eating okra Continued for 1 month can reduce fat in the blood. Blood sugar, fat, cholesterol are possible.

Weight Loss

Roselle Juice Can also be taken as a weight loss pill But this can cause diarrhea in some patients. Because it has a laxative effect

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Natural sour taste of Properties of okra It is formed from many organic acids such as ascorbic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, which has sputum dissolving properties. Relieve cough

Prevent anemia

Eating okra Will help prevent the occurrence of this disease Because of the properties of okra Contains iron which is an important mineral for the body. To help prevent anemia.

Not at risk of heart disease

Roselle has special properties. Because it has an effect that inhibits the risk of heart disease Due to the anthocyanin in Roselle Is a substance that will help keep the blood from clotting And does not attach to blood vessels that will cause heart disease Thus making the circulatory system in balance

Prevent gall blisters

Drinking water on a regular basis can help your body reduce the risk of urethral stones and kidney disease, as roselle contains substances that help excrete certain acids. That can cause gallstones such as uric acid, calcium and potassium.

Slow down aging

Roselle Juice Contains anthocyanin (Anthocyanin) and polyphenols, which are Protocatechuic Acid that have antioxidant activity. Helps prevent cancer, slow down aging and soften blood vessels.

Oh, I knew this and hurriedly went to find okra juice to drink almost as soon as possible. A nearby herbal drink that you drink regularly, I didn’t think there would be much of this benefit. Plus the coolest thing is that it can help slow down aging

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