7 good benefits from corn milk

Big C > Easy Cooking > 7 good benefits from corn milk

At this time, it’s close to the vegetarian festival. Anyone who is having a plan to lose weight, take this opportunity to prepare for food, snacks and vegetarian recipes. Prepared for the next several days, we have a great benefit. From corn milk to deposit And most importantly, vegetarian people can eat Vegetarian people eat well.

Corn milk is rich in vitamins. As follows:

Vitamin A prevents various eye diseases such as myopia, blindness, heart disease.

Vitamin B1 prevents muscle weakness. Muscle pain

Vitamin B2 prevents eye inflammation and food allergic to sunlight.

Vitamin B6 prevents nausea, teeth, anemia, skin and neuropathy.

Choline to prevent dementia, forgetfulness

Beta-carotene prevents sunburn and cancer.

Lower cholesterol

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry states that corn oil can increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body because corn oil has anti-lipid accumulation activity in the blood. Which positively affects cholesterol levels By helping to reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the body In addition, another study found that Sweet corn is also able to regulate cholesterol levels in the body.

Prevent anemia

100 grams of corn contains approximately 0.52 milligrams of iron, but that is another grain that contains iron that is quite important for blood formation. If you do not want to risk anemia and for women during menstruation, you can find corn to eat to reduce the risk of anemia.

Eye care

For people who use a lot of eyesight, such as office workers who have to sit in front of the computer for a long time, they should eat corn. Because the yellow corn contains the dominant carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Which is well known that both of these substances It is a substance that helps protect our eyes away from macular degeneration. The darker the corn, the more antioxidants it contains. Moreover Corn also contains beta-carotene that helps produce vitamin A. Can make our vision better

Prevent constipation

There are two types of fiber in corn: soluble fiber. Which is responsible for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels With insoluble fiber This will help the digestive system, excretory system and the work of the intestines better. In which corn contains both types of fiber. Therefore, eating corn helps us to excrete better. Reduce diarrhea symptoms Reduce symptoms of bowel irritability It also prevents constipation, hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

Control diabetes

Research has shown that Eating corn improves symptoms of non-insulin dependent diabetics (type 2) and helps control blood pressure. Because corn contains phenolic substances Which regulates the insulin absorption process and expels it from the body Resulting in stable blood sugar levels Also, corn has pantothenic This is a vitamin that helps the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, causing the adrenal glands to function normally. Positively affects the secretion of hormones in the body to have a balance Thus helping to prevent stressful conditions

Heart Care

In corn oil has the effect of anti-oxidation of fat. (Antiatherogenic effect) means that the body will absorb less bad fat. While the good fat will be more absorbed. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular disease is also reduced. In addition, corn oil has a suitable proportion of saturated fat to meet the needs of the body. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have properties to help lower blood cholesterol. They are good fats that can compete for the bad fat areas in the body. Therefore, corn oil is considered to have properties that help reduce the chance of clogging of fat in the arteries. Help lower blood pressure levels And reduce the risk of heart attack

Moisturizes the Skin

Antioxidants in corn make our skin not wrinkled. Shine, look fresh, lively Because the yellow corn contains beta-carotene, vitamin C and lycopene that help maintain healthy skin. Prevents being attacked by UV rays. Helps to increase collagen to make the skin smooth. And can also be used to make corn starch products to help relieve skin irritation

If anyone who finds corn is difficult to eat We have another option, which is corn milk that is fully beneficial. Definitely packed from corn and is also delicious, easy to drink, suitable for girls. To lose weight Plus there is also a vegetarian formula. For anyone who wants it, you can buy it at all Big C branches, or you can order online Click .

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