8 Amazing Health Benefits of Olive Oil

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If You Love Someone, Please Take Care of Them Series presents 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Olive Oil

There are many cooking oil products available in the market. Each product has its own pros and cons. Today, I’ll introduce the health benefits of olive oil.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Olive oil is known to have properties that help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels while increasing “good” HDL cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels play a major role in increasing the risks of heart disease.

Rich in Antioxidants

Olive oil lycopene is rich in lycopene, an oxidant which has the potential to help remove free radicals which are believed to contribute to many diseases including cancer. Lycopene is also thought to prevent skin aging, and reducing pores.

Weight Loss

A study found that people who eat olive oil and have low fat diets while regular exercising and getting enough sleep can lose more weight than those who just reduce their calorie intake. It promotes the feeling of satiety, which prevents you from bingeing on other refined or trans-fat sources.

Improves Blood Circulation

Olive oil helps prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and renal failure.

Moisturizes the Skin

Olive oil can be rapidly absorbed by the skin without leaving excessive oil. So you can apply olive oil along with other skin moisturizing products. It also may help decrease your acne by killing off the bacteria that causes acne.

Constipation Relief

Olive oil is a natural laxative. The fats in olive oil can help smooth the insides of the bowel, making it easier for stools to pass. Taking olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning may relieve constipation.

Stress Relief

Several studies have found that olive oil helps reduce anxiety, stress and depression and prevents stress-induced weight gain. It also has a positive impact on mental health. Consumption of olive oil can also boost the production of the happy hormone serotonin.

Improves Digestion

Olive oil can improve the efficiency of your intestines, pancreas and gallbladder, and prevent the onset of gallstones. Olive Oil contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent which has similar properties to ibuprofen. It can be used as a treatment for gastritis and peptic ulcers.

After learning about these health benefits, I guess you want to go out and buy a bottle of olive oil right now. Olive oil is available at all Big C Super Centers or you can order from our online store here.  

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