Betadine is more than just an antiseptic solution

Big C > Lifestyle for you > Betadine is more than just an antiseptic solution

Betadine is more than just an antiseptic solution

Betadine is a widely-known antiseptic to use on fresh wounds. But only a few people know that it has other benefits. Today, I’d like to introduce different ways to use this antiseptic solution that will make you want to go out and buy some.

Benefits of Betadine

  1. 1. The antiseptic can kill bacteria, viruses and fungus so you can use it as an anti-viral spray on surfaces during the COVID-19 outbreak by mixing Betadine with clean water.
  2. 2. You can apply Betadine on pimples after you’ve popped them to prevent bacteria spreading. Unlike alcohol, the antiseptic will not cause a burning sensation on an open wound but if you have sensitive skin, I suggest you first apply Betadine on your inner am to test if you are allergic to it.
  3. 3. Betadine is commonly used in surgery.


  1. 1. Betadine or povidone-iodine can trigger allergic reactions such as an itchy rash, swollen lips, and shortness of breath.
  2. 2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using Betadine.
  3. 3. People with thyroid problems should not use Betadine for an extended period of time.

As you know, any medication has benefits and drawbacks so you should be careful when you use it. From my personal experience, Betadine can help reduce inflammation around the area where I popped a pimple but you should not leave it on for too long. After applying for a while, you should wash it off.

If you want to have Betadine in your home, you can buy it at the Pure drugstore located in Big C Super Center or order it from our online store by clicking clicking here.

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