Get to know the Carnivore Diet.

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : Get to know the Carnivore Diet.

Anyone who wants to have a beautiful figure, must read it this way. Because today we have tips to lose weight with the Carnivore Diet, then we will get to know how to lose weight this way together. Let’s see if this method will work or not. But do not forget that losing weight must be done in conjunction with exercise too.

Carnivore means carnivore, which is the Carnivore Diet for weight loss by eating only meat. Cut out the flour and sugar completely. Including cutting off fruits and vegetables and various condiments Only salt is allowed for cooking. Additionally, the Carnivore Diet is named a step above the Ketogenic Diet.

1. Carnivore Diet is a step above the Ketogenic Diet.

If you say that the Carnivore Diet is a step up to the Ketogenic Diet, it is because the Carnivore Diet has a similar diet to the Ketogenic Diet, but is more limited to the type of food, while the Ketogenic Diet allows you to eat certain vegetables and certain nuts. But the Carnivore Diet does not allow us to eat plant-based foods, regardless of their form. Including margarine, vinegar or even milk are not allowed to eat. Especially cow’s milk, although it comes from animals, but in milk there is a hidden sugar. Therefore, it is not allowed to eat.

2. Foods that the Carnivore Diet can and cannot eat

– Foods allowed to eat: meat (beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish), offal, eggs, lard, salt, bone-boiled broth. Animal oils such as lard, chicken oil, butter

– Foods not to eat: all vegetables, all fruits, tubers such as potatoes, taro, nuts and seeds, bread, pasta, all grains and rice. Sugar, including sugar from stevia, fruit juice

– Drinks allowed to drink: water, mineral water, soda

3. Eat when hungry

The Carnivore Diet does not limit us to have to eat 3 meals a day, just like general eating principles. On the other hand, the practitioner can only choose to eat when he or she is hungry. It means that if we are not hungry There is no need to eat food In some people who choose to use this type of weight loss, they may eat just one meal a day, which is why counting calories or calculating calories is not necessary for people who lose weight. Carnivore Diet as well

The Carnivore Diet is probably suitable for meat. People who like to eat only meat. Rarely eat vegetables or do not like vegetables Considered to be another way that it is broken, it is raw. If anyone is interested in trying to lose weight like this to try. If you get results then come and share with each other.

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