How to make a krathong to reduce global warming

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How to make a krathong to reduce global warming

Entering the lunar festival of the twelfth month, the water filled the banks According to Thai traditions, there will be Loi Krathong to worship and ask forgiveness from Phra Mae Khongka. As well as drifting into sorrow and drifting in the water But as time changes Loy Krathong may cause environmental pollution. So today we have a way to make an eco-friendly krathong. To reduce the amount of waste in the river And also made a wish to the Ganga as well

Ice Krathong

It is the idea of a Krathong that degrades into the water as quickly as possible. The easy way is to pour water mixed with flowers into a cup and freeze in the refrigerator. When the water freezes, the flowers inside are clear and beautiful. May be decorated with other flowers. Put the incense on the candle and take it to float on the river.

Flower Krathong

Just bring the lotus One sunflower or big flower, let’s test it out to see if it can float in water. Put incense and candles to worship Phra Mae Ganga in the middle of the flower. Then can float in the river You don’t have to waste time making complicated sewing pleats.

Bread Krathong

It is a popular krathong in this era, because in addition to the loaf of bread that is digested quickly, it can also be made into fish food as well. However, the recommendation for Loi Krathong Loi Loi Krathong Loi is to choose a pond where fish live. Bread does not mix colors that are harmful to aquatic life. Because if the bread is too large, it may lead to spoilage.

Krathong leaves

Take the leaves from and weave into a boat or a krathong shape. Then sewn with a skewer If there is no leaves from Can find a small shell, polished the outer surface to make it smooth and beautiful. Test by going to float on the water to see if it can float or not. Put flowers in the krathong and put the incense and candles. The advantage of Krathong Bai Chak and Kala is light. Easily biodegradable It is small and economical too.

Another suggestion for Loi Krathong to reduce marine waste is not to add litter. Other foreign matter into the krathong One family should get together to do just Only one Krathong and pray for blessings together, this has been the tradition of Thai tradition.

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