Make chicken soup to give alms to Devo on the Buddhist Lent Day.

Big C > Easy Cooking > Make chicken soup to give alms to Devo on the Buddhist Lent Day.

Mr. Househusband’s Simple Kitchen Tips Series : Make chicken soup to give alms to Devo on the Buddhist Lent Day.

Time has passed really quickly, I remember recently that I just made a menu for alms to monks for the Buddhist Lent Day, 3 months have passed, and it’s time to go to the kitchen to make a menu to prepare for Devo on the end of Buddhist Lent And today’s menu is suitable for this period when the weather is changing I saw many people around me getting cold. Now this menu comes up with is “Chicken Soup”, a simple menu. But with benefits and high nutritional value!


  1. Chicken drumstick or chicken wings
  2. potato
  3. Carrot
  4. Tomato
  5. Onion
  6. Celery
  7. Broth
  8. Pepper
  9. salt


  1. Wash the chicken thoroughly and set aside. Then peel the onion and cut it into 4 parts, followed by the potatoes and tomatoes.
  2. Boil the broth with chicken bones. Or use instant broth Boil until the water boils, then add the potatoes, onions and tomatoes.
  3. Boil and leave for a while and add the chicken. Ready to season with pepper and salt. Then dim the light down Then boil and leave for 30 minutes
  4. Enough to boil the chicken until tenderness already Put the celery on top.

This is a simple menu. When you have a cold, you should find it. To help relieve the throat and chase cold symptoms well Plus high protein In addition, doing this time can also be used to give food to Devo as well. For various ingredients Can be purchased at every branch of Big C Or buy online Click .

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