Recipe for KFC Fried Chicken

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Mr. Househusband’s Simple Kitchen Tips presents a Recipe for KFC Fried Chicken

I believe that KFC fried chicken is one of the dishes that comes to many people’s mind when they run out of ideas for a meal. It is a dish loved by both children and adults. Today, I’ll introduce a recipe for KFC fried chicken. Let’s check it out.


  1. 2 cups of tempura flour
  2. 2/3 tablespoon of salt
  3. ½ tablespoon of dried thyme
  4. 1/2 tablespoon dried thyme
  5. 1/3 tablespoon of marjoram
  6. 1 tablespoon of celery salt
  7. 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
  8. 1 tablespoon of dry mustard
  9. 4 tablespoons of paprika powder
  10. 2 tablespoons of garlic salt
  11. 1 tablespoon of ground ginger
  12. 3 tablespoons of ground white pepper
  13. 1 cup of low-fat cream
  14. 1 egg
  15. 1 chicken chopped into pieces
  16. Canola oil


Mix the flour and the seasonings together.

Mix the egg and low-fat cream in a separate bowl. Soak the chicken in the mixture and leave it at room temperature for 20 – 30 minutes.

Take the chicken out of the mixture and put it into the flour. Shake off the excess flour and put the chicken on a grill for 20 minutes

Pour enough canola oil in a pan to get it to 7 – 8 cm high. Heat on high until the oil temperature reaches 175 °C (347 °C), then turn down to medium. Put 4 pieces of chicken in the pan at a time. Fry them for 15 – 18 minutes until they turn golden brown. Then take them out of the pan and drain on paper towel before serving.

This is the recipe for KFC fried chicken. I guarantee all of your family members will love it. There might be a lot of ingredients but they are all available at Big C Super Center branches or you can order them from our online store here.

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