What to Know before Buying Lubricating Eye Drops

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them: What to Know before Buying Lubricating Eye Drops

Contact-lens wearers know there are several precautions necessary when it comes to wearing lenses. Taking them off before going to bed is one of the most important things to remember. Make sure you do it without fail every single night. Cleanliness is another noteworthy point to keep in mind when wearing contact lenses. Another persistent issue is the inevitable dry eyes. Some people carry eye drops with them to keep their eyes moist, especially those who stare at a computer screen a lot. Here’s something you need to know before buying lubricating eye drops.

As of now, there are three types of eye drops in the market. All of them are irritant-free, and safer than eyewash solutions that have a higher risk of side effects.

Besides considering the price, you also need to consider usage. The bottle type, which contains preservatives, are more suited to people who need to lubricate their eyes daily. The vial type, which has no preservatives, is more suitable for single use. And since it has no preservatives, its shelf life once opened is only 24 hours, while the bottle type lasts about a whole month. The single-use vial types are also more expensive than the bottle ones.

Eye drops are usually low risk when it comes to side-effects. But, although rare, some people can be irritated by some brands of lubricating eye drops. For eye drops with preservatives, it is recommended to use no more than four times a day, since the preservatives can irritate the cornea.


  • If you have a history of allergic reactions to eye drops, it is best to seek medical advice before using.
  • Keep in mind that eye drops are lubricating agents only. They do not cure the cause of dry eyes.
  • Eye drops are not antibiotics. If your eyes are irritated or showing symptoms of infection, consult a doctor or pharmacist before using any eye drops.
  • If any irritation occurs, stop using and consult your ophthalmologist. Chronic dry eyes can be serious. You are well-advised to see a doctor to look for the cause.
  • If you need to use more than one eye drop, leave a 10-minutes interval between each one.
  • Be careful not to let the dropper tip touch your eyes or any other surface as it can be contaminated.
  • If the shelf life of the eye drops has expired, do not use them at any cost.
  • Keep at between 15-30C and do not freeze.

To use the eye drops, tilt your head back and gently pull your lower lid down to form a pouch. Drop the solution in and close your eye for a moment to let it absorb. If you’re looking for an eye drop, head over to Pure Pharmacy at Big C or click here.

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