How to cure snoring to make your loved ones sleep better.

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : How to cure snoring to make your loved ones sleep better.

Snoring is a distraction for many people. Snoring indicates abnormal resting state of the body. There is a risk of developing other diseases. Some may be severe Have sleep apnea Even to the point of death Today we have a solution to snoring for better health and prevent the noise of snoring bothering people sleeping next to it as well.

Weight loss, as people who are overweight are prone to snoring due to fat covering the throat and upper respiratory tract. Narrowing of the airways People who do exercise snoring To improve the upper respiratory system You may do aerobic dancing, run, or swim, do at least 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week.

Avoid drinking alcohol. Especially during bedtime because alcohol has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Obstruction of the upper airway It also results in poor sleep. Causing a dream state, causing not enough rest Including should avoid drinking tea and coffee as well.

  • Quit smoking Because cigarettes contain nicotine And affect the tissues in the digestive system in the upper part of people who snore and smoking will result in The oxygen in the blood is reduced. Resulting in the brain receiving less oxygen as well Cause waking Intermittent sleep
  • Adjusting your head so that your head is about 30 degrees above the bed will help the upper airway work better. And should change to lie on your side Create a good sleeping environment to provide you with a comfortable sleep. Not playing mobile Or turn on the TV because the light from the screen will make it harder for the brain to sleep awake

If there is severe snoring Should consult a doctor for advice. Today, there are many technologies and methods for treating snoring, both surgical and non-surgical. But do not forget to take care of your health, starting with yourself. Change in daily life Just as you may be able to reduce snoring.

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