Five Toothpastes that Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series: Five Toothpastes that Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a dental condition that can arise from gum problems, enamel erosion, or even cavities. You can tell you’ve got this problem when drinking something cold or brushing your teeth causes an uncomfortable sensation. Consulting your dentist or changing your eating and oral care habits are the best ways to recover, but choosing the right toothpaste also works wonders. Here are some of 2020’s best toothpastes that help alleviate the discomfort caused by tooth sensitivity.

1. Sensodyne Multi Care

This is by far the most direct-action toothpaste on the market. Sensodyne Multi Care is an innovative toothpaste recommended by dentists, guaranteeing that you will be satisfied with the results.

With potassium nitrate and fluoride, this toothpaste reduces the uncomfortable sensation, protects your teeth from cavities, and reduces receding gum problems.

2) Salz Intensive Gum Care

Formulated specifically for gum health, this toothpaste cleanses your gums and teeth thoroughly and relieves pain from sensitive teeth. It also freshens your breath by reducing bacteria formation.

3) Colgate Sensitive Salt Minerals

This toothpaste is highly recommended by dentists to reduce the discomfort of tooth sensitivity. It whitens your teeth without eroding the enamel, and reduces gingivitis. The highlight of Colgate Sensitive Salt Minerals is its non-abrasive foam that gently cleanses your gum and teeth.

4) Dentiste’ Nighttime Toothpaste

The toothpaste that brightens your morning. Dentiste’ Nighttime Toothpaste whitens your teeth and prevents bacteria formation during your sleep. It contains active ingredients that reduce pain caused by tooth sensitivity, giving you back hygienic oral health.

5) Hi-Herb 

This toothpaste contains a natural extract from the guava leaf that is proven to help remove plaque, and green tea extract that reduces bacteria formation, the cause of gum disease and cavities. This all-natural toothpaste alleviates the pain of sensitive teeth and other gum problems.

If you’re looking for a new toothpaste, look no further than Big C. Or order online, click here.

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