Plant auspicious plants to supplement the daily horoscope for all 7 days.

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Miss C Recommendation : Plant auspicious plants to supplement the daily horoscope for all 7 days.

During this time, the trend of planting trees is very strong. Increase the green area in the house Providing eye comfort as well as being an air purifier Add oxygen to the house as well. In addition to the freshness that comes with the planting of trees Today we would like to bring everyone to enhance their fortune by planting auspicious trees according to their birthday, adding good fortune to the people who planted, divided into 7 trees, 7 days.


The sacred wood of those born on Sunday is a plant with yellow or orange flowers, such as the Ratchaphruek or the multiplication tree. Poi Sian, Koson, Hibiscus, Champa, yellow, that was the color that was born on Sunday. If it is planted, it will be added to the fortune to find more good things as well.


People born on Monday Suitable for planting trees or flowers that give white or yellow, such as jasmine, will help to enhance the auspiciousness for people to love more. Wassana Phlu Dua (enhancing life and growth) or fruit trees such as mango (believed to be planted to have food Has used) gooseberry (helps to strengthen the fate, protect against evil, and to be more popular with people)


The auspicious color for people born on Tuesday is red or pink, most of which are colorful flowers. Easy to find, popular to grow at home. If growing pink hibiscus flowers will help to enhance the prosperity of work progress. Planting roses will make you feel at ease. Planting the needle to make thoughts run well and use the brain to be clear, open and comfortable.


Most people born on Wednesday will be smitten with yellow. Both people born on Wednesday day and Wednesday night Help to add good things to life Should choose a tree with yellow leaves or flowers, such as the Ratchaphruek, which enhances the reputation. , The Koson adds merit, enhances goodness, peacefulness, yellow anise flower that will bring fortune to people in the house


This person born will be a person who is careful. Have high thinking, reading, and self-confidence The auspicious color for people born today is white. Should be planted with white flowers such as jasmine, in addition to the fragrance, but also strengthen the auspiciousness and being loved by others, white roses. Reinforce fortune in the matter of reliability, gardenia. Gives white flowers resulting in a healthy body. Integrity


People born on Friday have a charm that words are easy to comfort and convince. The color that is suitable for people born on Friday is red or pink. Most of which are flowers such as red roses that add elegance, enhance prestige, spike flowers that will help in life progress, grow in a good direction, the koson to add Bun Bari has to live. Calmly But if you want to add money and gold, plant an Poi Sian with red or pink flowers.


People born on Saturday are prudent people. Want to learn and try something new. A sacred tree will be suitable for people born on Saturday, including the Kuan Yin tree promoting money and gold, mango trees to have fruit, eat and use. Add wealth and stability, the year of the memorandum enhances your destiny. And the fortune to promote inspiration, success, and success

However, the subject of sacred plants is a matter of belief that may contribute to the fortunes of the growers better. But keeping the trees growing is also an important part. When planting trees, do not forget to water, plow the soil to grow, enhance the sun and create a green atmosphere for the house to be shady. You can choose to buy trees and gardening tools. Decorate your home further at Big C or at .

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